You are not alone.
OM Mommas is a free community meant to encourage and empower current moms and moms-to-be who are raising the next generation of children with insights and practical advice meant to inspire, and transform. What can’t be found here - judgment, criticism and division.
I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery and healing for the past five years. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that we are all meant to continuously grow and evolve. Feeling lost or confused is not something to be ashamed of. Not knowing what to do or what direction to head in is not exclusively reserved for people in their 20’s or people without children.
We are all works in progress, and in the race toward perfection that society tells us we need to be a part of, I’m completely fine with coming in last place. There are no winners in that race. Let’s embrace and celebrate what makes us all uniquely and divinely wonderful.
I believe that being a good mother starts with being a good you. As mothers, we have to take care of ourselves and prioritize our well-being if we want to be an authentic source of love and light for our children.
We are all connected and in this together!