What No One Tells You About Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a magical time when you are creating a life inside of you. As such, your body is a delicate wonderland and many of the foods and drinks you used to love will have to be put aside for 9 months (longer if you breastfeed) - there’s an Old Fashioned with my name on it out there! Ignorance is bliss, and here is what I learned both the easy and hard way. 

Forget everything you thought you knew about being pregnant 

We’re conditioned to associate the act of labor with the need for medication, screaming and yelling in a delivery room for it to be over. Women have been birthing children for millions of years - unassisted, unmedicated and naturally. Once you actually learn the process of childbirth and how the baby comes down the birth passage, it’s not that scary, it’s amazing how strong we are and what our bodies can do!

Also, not everyone swells, stretches, and waddles around like they do in the movies. Waking up at 2AM craving pickles and peanut butter doesn’t happen, sudden outbursts of crying isn’t a gold standard, and you can’t just eat whatever you want (more on that later).

Oh and friends, family, and even strangers will tell you the most inappropriate, and unhelpful stories on the worse possible topics. It’s like they were just waiting for the next “poor pregnant” woman to come along to tell their tales to. I’ve heard everything from a torn rectum, bloody nipples, pooping yourself in labor, to the baby coming out with a conehead. Those are all things an expectant mother wants to hear of course. IGNORE THEM. Misery loves company as they say, but your journey is different.

A lot of what you used to normally eat/drink can be harmful to the baby

From the minute I found out I was pregnant, my Google search history quickly became [insert any normal everyday function here] while pregnant. 

First to go was caffeine, no more daily brew of morning coffee and afternoon cup of tea. Studies have shown that high-caffeine intake (more than 200 mg per day) during pregnancy can lead to high blood pressure, increased heart rate and pose a number of risks for the developing baby including arrhythmia or an irregular heart rhythm. 

With herbal teas, there are a lot of herbs in some blends that are not recommended for pregnant women as they can cause the uterine muscles to relax, which is especially dangerous in the first trimester. Even that comforting cup of chamomile tea at the end of a long day can trigger uterine contractions and lead to a miscarriage or preterm labor. Organic red raspberry leaf tea is a great alternative and fresh ginger tea especially for those first few weeks of pregnancy are great alternatives. 

Most women safely consume small doses of caffeine and have perfectly healthy and happy babies, and this chart on The Bump is a great resource on how much caffeine, and which types of caffeine are safe to consume while pregnant. 

Beyond the typical things you hear to avoid - raw sushi, deli meats, shellfish, etc. other less-common foods and beverages to consider are drinks with hibiscus (can cause uterine contractions); eating more than fifteen pistachios a day (can cause a build-up of access oils in your body which can lead to nausea, headaches and relaxation of muscles).

You’ll feel more beautiful than ever (and your partner will think so too)

In our everyday lives, we feel self-conscious about weight gain, how our clothes fit, how too big/too small our breast/butts/thighs are. Couple that with growing a little human inside of you and it’s a rollercoaster of emotions. Truthfully I was always intimidated by pregnancy and how it would change my body, but as my belly grew bigger so did my love and gratitude. I couldn’t wait for the first sign of a baby bump. I’m currently 6 months pregnant, and I’ve never felt healthier or happier about putting on weight because it means my little one is growing bigger and stronger. 

We often worry about our partners reaction too, will they still find us attractive or desirable? Especially when you’re brushing your teeth in the morning and suddenly start to gag on your toothpaste and hurl uncontrollably in the sink for what seems like an eternity - first trimester yay! I’m blessed to have a husband who loves every growing inch of me and has been nothing less than supportive throughout. 

Doctor’s don’t always know best

When you’re pregnant you’ll be probed, measured, poked, and asked to pee in a cup more times than an alien abduction. Do your research and prepare for all of the tests that lay ahead in each trimester. It can be overwhelming going into each appointment, especially since doctor’s throw around big and scary words about all of the terrible possibilities that exist. 

Knowledge is power and if you do your research ahead of time on things like on genetic testing and vaccinations you’ll feel more like a part of the conversation rather than the test subject. 

Also, we all know that ultrasounds are standard and routine check-ups that all doctors order for you, but you don’t have to get them. There are a ton of studies that suggest ultrasounds are actually harmful to developing fetuses and many countries like China ban the practice. For more information, check out Mama Natural’s helpful guide to decide whether ultrasounds are right for you. 

In fact, you don’t have to consent to any testing or vaccinations if you’re not comfortable with them. Doctors make you feel like you don’t have a say, but it’s your body, your baby, your choice! Don’t be afraid to ask questions and protect your space.

These are my own personal experiences, everyone and every pregnancy is different. Do your research and ultimately do what’s best and feels right to you.  


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